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Perimeter Cycling's
El Tour de Mesa
Two Wheel Jones' 
El Tour Criterium

CycloMesa isn't just about spectating and having fun, it's about challenging yourself and really getting out there. There are two very incredible special events tagged onto this weekend: El Tour Criterium and El Tour de Mesa. Please see below for details and how to register. Do you have what it takes? 

Woah now, speedracer! We know you've been itching for that high speed chase that will leave your heart pounding ! Maybe you've raced in a Crit before. Trust us, you've seen nothing like this! 


This one-mile, figure eight track will get your bloood pumping. Combined with a cash purse, this is a race you don't want to sit out. We have legs for all levels! 





Are you a pro or just want to simply challenge yourself? Join El Tour de Mesa for the 24th annual ride that will take you 70 miles through the beautiful Arizona desert we call home. 


Not quite there yet? There's also a 28-mile ride and a fun ride for the whole family. Make sure you get registered early! 







Check Yourself!


Rooms can be booked through the Phoenix Mesa Marriott at a discounted race for riders. Please contact Perimeter Cycling or Two Wheel Jones for details. 

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